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Dogs + Preventive Care & Wellness

  • The general condition of your dog's skin and coat are good indicators of his health. A healthy coat should be shiny and smooth, not brittle or coarse, and healthy skin should be supple and clear, not greasy, flaky, or bumpy. Selective breeding has led to the development of dogs with various coat characteristics requiring varying grooming needs. Nutrition also plays an important role in skin and coat maintenance.

  • Cocker Spaniels, as one of the most popular breeds, suffered a bad reputation for a few years because of poor breeding practices by some eager for a dollar, but these dogs are now safely secure as a treasured family pet once again. Their cheerful "ready-to-go-when-you-are" demeanor makes them great companions.

  • Lameness in Dogs

    Si un perro no puede moverse de forma normal se dice que está cojo. Las causas de cojera más habituales son el dolor en una articulación o en sus estructuras de soporte o bien la inestabilidad de una articulación.

  • Choosing the right collar or harness for a dog requires understanding how each device works and what is best for the dog and the owner. Correct selection, fit, and use are crucial for any training tool's success.

  • Elizabethan Collars in Dogs

    Los collares isabelinos se utilizan para prevenir interferencias con cualquier vendaje o herida. Es normal que los perros se laman las heridas, pero esta práctica puede retrasar mucho la cicatrización y provocar infecciones. Por eso es importante que se deje puesto el collar, en especial cuando el perro está sólo.

  • Gentle, graceful and sweet, the Collie wags her tail gently whenever approached. Eyes seem to smile their welcome. They're willing to do the same chore again and again, only asking a loving touch in thanks.

  • Constipation is infrequent or difficult passage of stool or feces and is typically a temporary condition. Though there are many causes of constipation in dogs, most cases are caused by ingestion of irritating or indigestible substances. Constipation is usually diagnosed through a physical examination and medical history. A rectal exam to rule out rectal strictures, tumors, foreign bodies, or other abnormalities may be done. Abdominal radiographs, blood tests, and urinalysis are valuable for a full diagnosis and development of a treatment plan. Biopsies may also be recommended if a rectal mass or stricture is suspected. Most cases of constipation are relatively easy to treat through the use of manual removal, enemas, and medications. The prognosis for constipation is determined by the exact cause.

  • Wellness Testing for Dogs

    Las pruebas que valoran el estado de salud son pruebas destinadas específicamente a detectar signos de enfermedades subclínicas de forma precoz en gatos que están aparentemente sanos.

  • Canine Coronavirus Disease

    Se trata de una infección vírica intestinal que, aunque suele durar poco tiempo, puede ser muy desagradable. El agente causal es un virus que pertenece a la familia de los Coronavirus. Hay otros miembros de esta familia que producen enfermedades en muchas especies de animales y aves, pero el ser humano no puede verse afectado por el Coronavirus canino.

  • There are many ways we can change our dog's home environment to help them more easily move around and avoid injuries. This handout reviews some key points to improve your dog's comfort at home and on car trips.