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Preventative / Wellness Care

The best way to keep your pet healthy for as long as possible is to prevent or detect disease as early as possible.  Our hospital strongly believes in a high standard of patient care by offering the following preventative and wellness services:

  • Puppy & Kitten Exams
  • Annual Wellness Exams for Adults
  • Biannual Senior Pet Exams (>7yrs of age)
  • Vaccinations & Vaccine Titers
  • Internal & External Parasite Prevention
  • Annual & Biannual Wellness Screening for Metabolic Disease

If your pet is due for preventative care, please contact us and we would be happy to get you scheduled!  If we have never seen your pet before and they have had preventative care performed elsewhere, please have their previous records emailed to us at or let us know where your pet has received care in the past and we would be happy to contact them for you before your appointment!